We provide the Diversity Table where employees and CEO can have a shared bond of sympathy.
SKC members are free to communicate anytime.
We try to measure how much employees feel happy at work using a CONG app in which the happiness
index is recorded and a happiness survey.
We listen to employees’ candid voices to help them find a sense of happiness at work.
We offer the Common Ground in which employees can directly present ideas about HR system
and those ideas are realized.
Employees can design and create a happy place
to work by themselves.
Medical expense support and health checkup programs are provided to improve the health of employees.
The EAP counseling service is also offered to care for employees’ physical and mental health.
Employees are encouraged to take parental leave if applicable and use shorter working hours for family care and during pregnancy or infant-rearing stages.
Sufficient time off and expenditures for congratulations and condolences are provided.
We offer various events including Happy Camp to allow employees to take a vacation they deserve to enjoy.
Affiliates provide their unique leaves of absence other than the annual leave and summer vacation.
Employees can flexibly choose their working
hours and a place to work.
It makes employees start a day lightheartedly and get immersed in their work.
We support employees to continue inventing themselves by offering an opportunity to learn foreign languages and acquire job-related professional qualifications.
Various self-improvement events are available such as mySUNI of SK Group.
We provide an ability and result-based evaluation and reward system to motivate employees through the fast track program for high-performing employees and differentiated compensation.