Sustainable Management

Human Rights Management

Declaration of Human Rights

SKC bases its business operations on the SKMS which manifests SK Group’s management philosophy and corporate culture, defines the happiness of its people as its business purpose, and endeavors to fulfill its critical role in creating happiness of key stakeholders including customers, business partners, shareholders, and society at large. We are evolving phase by phase into an ESG-conscious material solution provider in order to promptly respond to customers’ needs and ensure their success and, by extension, mankind’s growth, promoting a corporate culture built around respect for human rights based on the belief that people are the most important resource of a business organization.

To uphold human rights in its business, SKC will comply with global human rights/labor standards and guidelines including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) to name a few.

With human rights policies informed by such international human rights standards, SKC will do its best to ensure that not only its people but also investees/business partners respect human rights, to prevent risks to human rights from arising out of business activities, and remove/mitigate potential risks to human rights attributable to the characteristics of relevant stakeholders and manufacturing industry.

Code of Conduct & Its Applicability

SKC people will fulfill their responsibilities for upholding human rights in business operations and comply with the SKC Human Rights Guidelines when working with stakeholders. In addition, we will encourage all our stakeholders to respect our commitment to human rights, and where our human rights management framework conflicts with local legal/regulatory instruments, prioritize compliance with such local instruments and amend/modify our specific policies in reflection of the laws/regulations of applicable countries and the needs of relevant industries.
  • Ensure occupational safety

    Check facilities, equipment, tools, etc. at workplace regularly and develop appropriate measures to prevent risks of bodily/mental injuries as well as follow-up support strategies to ensure safe working environment for SKC people.
  • Protect human rights of local residents

    SKC people take care not to infringe upon the human rights of local residents and protect their rights to health and safety and freedom of residence.
  • Non-discrimination

    Do not discriminate SKC people without reasonable reasons on the account of their gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, age, family status, social status or political belief, etc. in terms of recruitment, employment, promotion, training, wage, employee welfare, fostering corporate culture where people’s diversity is respected.
  • Comply with work hours

    As for regular work hours, overtime, break time and holidays, comply with whichever is stricter between applicable international standards or labor laws/regulations in each country or area where applicable business site is located.
  • Prohibit sexual harassment and bullying at work

    Prohibit all conducts inflicting sexual humiliation such as acts of sexual harassment or sexual assault at work and ban all bullying conducts inflicting physical/mental pain using superior status or relation at work.
  • Prohibit forced labor

    Do not force labor against an employee’s free will by enforcing mental/physical restriction in return for recruitment or employment and do not keep personal documents of employees on condition of employment. This requirement shall be complied with by all business partners dealing with SKC.
  • Say no to child labor

    Prohibit child labor as defined in applicable laws in principle, a requirement which shall be complied with by all business partners dealing with SKC.
  • Guarantee freedom of assembly and right to collective bargaining

    Guarantee freedom of assembly and right to collective bargaining under labor laws/regulations of each country or area, and do not subject employees to disadvantages or discrimination on the account of affiliation with or establishment of trade union, etc.